Depression: Finding a Way Up the Rabbit Hole

Nashville depression counseling - hand reaching out of water

Nashville Depression Counseling

When I think of how to describe Depression to someone without first-hand knowledge, the book, “Alice in Wonderland” springs to mind.  Partly, because I find that there are many loosely held parallels between Alice’s story and that of Depression. Many believe that depression is a choice, just as Alice had a choice to go down the rabbit hole. Depression is not a choice however.

Depression sufferers often find themselves going into the rabbit hole and finding a world that is the superficially the same, but altogether different in the way they experience it.  Maybe colors aren’t bright, but muted.  Simple pleasures are bland.  Day-to-day life is met with a sort of apathy.  While the surrounding world seems to be moving forward with a spring in its step, for those under the cloud of Depression, just taking a step is a labored process.

Those who suffer from Depression have their own, specific kind of rabbit hole. There’s the kind of depression you may experience over the course of a day or week.Seasonal depression. Postpartum Depression. Depression after the passing of a loved one. Depression resulting from the aftermath of a catastrophic event. And, there’s clinical depression. Clinical Depression differs from the others in that the scale of time is nearly non-existent. Time does not mend the mental state, instead without diagnosis and treatment, most only sink deeper. 

Once a person determines they are suffering from Depression - there are many paths that will lead toward the light. Just like in the story of Alice, there’s eating and drinking and sleeping. Eating foods such as turkey, carrots, leafy greens and salmon as well as drinking milk have proven to be mood boosters. Likewise, exercising and participating in activities has proven to positively help sufferers.  What we eat, drink and do affects how we sleep and getting a good night’s sleep is important. Just as Alice partook in conversations and contemplation, Depression sufferers can seek therapy and try meditation. 

While a change of diet or practicing meditation can be done with little to no supervision, a qualified therapist and doctor must be sought for counseling / therapy and medications. Relief from depression doesn’t come in a bottle conveniently tagged, “Drink Me,” or a treat labeled, “Eat Me.” Instead, those offer a boost -  a sort of leg-up. Counseling helps to build internal and external resources to slowly and steadily melt away the gray shroud over day-to-day life so that color resurfaces and regains prominence.

The rabbit hole is not a place of no return.  And unlike Alice, for Depression sufferers it’s not a wonderland or fantasy. It’s a very real, unpleasant reality.  Living in a world full of gray tones does not need to be a new reality.  Similar to Alice however, they must find a way up the rabbit hole to the surface to a better, more sustainable version of living life in color. 

Jeff Grossman offers depression counseling and therapy in Nashville & Brentwood, Tennessee.