The Four C's of Marital Therapy


What happens when the novelty of relationship bliss wears off? Well, just as you might suspect, reality resurfaces. There’s not a single map to navigate the twists and turns of an ever evolving relationship. However, a commonality rests in recognizing and resolving conflicts to improve or rebuild relationships.

Marital Therapy, Marriage Counseling, or Couples Counseling/Therapy, is a terrific avenue for those who have recognized a problem exists in their relationship. While Marital Therapy can seem daunting, don’t let it be. Think of it simply asFour Cscare, clock, commitment, and communication.


“And they lived happily ever after.” That’s a nice, all-encompassing way to end a fairy tale, but life typically isn’t as neat and tidy. Caring about your relationship and its state-of-being is a positive sign. Moreover, readiness to give attention to any issues that may be impeding your happily ever after is a good first step. Therapy will give you tools to turn care into action with communication and conflict resolution skills as your relationship evolves.


If you’ve found yourself traveling the wrong road, it most likely didn’t happen over night. While you can’t turn back the clock to the precise moment your relationship veered off course, you also cannot ignore the clock believing problems will simply disappear. When it comes to seeking marital therapy, sooner is better, but later is still better than never. Sometimes, it is not about determining how you got lost. It’s realizing that you are lost and desiring to return to a healthy path. Righting the course will take time, and truly there is no better time to start than right now.


Therapy of any kind takes commitment.  Marital therapy only differs in that both parties need to be committed to rebuilding and strengthening the relationship. You can attend therapy sessions alone, and while this is more challenging to mend a relationship, it can still help you understand your reactions and behavior. Finding a therapist who both people feel is a good fit is imperative as it will enhance your experience and promote progress. Research states individuals committed to making their relationship work are better at resolving conflict.


Open and honest communication is essential during each therapy session as well as outside the sessions. Trouble communicating? Not to worry, this is very, very common. Therapy is a great place to begin working on the communication skills you want. Improved communication skills will set a foundation for understanding, honesty, and trust that is necessary in every relationship.

Marriage, intimate relationships, relationships of any kind, take effort. Hope is a good thing, yet you need to move from hope to a plan and build a road map to recovery. Marital therapy will provide you the skills to chart your course.

Jeff Grossman offers individual, marital, couples counseling and group therapy in Nashville & Brentwood, Tennessee.