Posts tagged anxiety
Anxiety: Where the End is a New Beginning

Recognizing or being diagnosed with a disorder is not an end.  In fact, a diagnosis is simply a label that allows professionals to categorize, communicate, and provide effective treatment. A diagnosis might very well be the beginning to overcoming an affliction that is limiting an individual’s ability to enjoy life. Treatment for anxiety comes in many forms, from a quick fix to a long-term strategy.  Quite simply, the quick fix is prescription medication. While medication is sometimes necessary, the more effective, long-term solution is talk therapy.

Typically, therapy will initially focus on learning the function of the anxiety and how something that often is very helpful has become uncontrollable. 

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Finding the Release in Anxiety

Recently, I returned to my favorite amusement park growing up, Cedar Point.  The ‘Magnum,’ ‘Raptor,’ ‘Iron Dragon,’ and ‘Corkscrew’ are all still operating and are still able to both make me scream with excitement and leave me a little nauseous by the end of the ride.  Since my last visit near the end of high school, Cedar Point added a new ride, the ‘Millennium Force,’ the eighth tallest rollercoaster in the world.  After waiting for over an hour, it was nostalgic as the rollercoaster began climbing the towering ascent, slowly clicking along.  I could feel my adrenaline and anxiety increase as I awaited the inevitable moment I would reach the summit. 

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